Welcome and Overview

The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering was established in November, 1994,formerly known as the Department of Chemistry founded in 1924. Nowadays, it consists of four departments, six institutes and three centers. They are Department of Chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, Department of Polymer and Materials Sciences, Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Inorganic and Material Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Polymer Science, Institute of Material Science, Research Center for Green Chemistry and Engineering, Research Center for Petrochemical Products and Technology, and Engineering and Teaching Center for Experimental Chemistry.

Currently, we have 160 faculty members and staffs,including 3 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 Cheung Kong Scholars, and 7 awardees of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 48 doctoral supervisors, 40 full-professors and 44 associate professors. 3 staffs have acquired Class B National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars collaborated with foreign scholars.11 members join the Trans-Century Training Programs Foundation for the Talents by the Ministry of Education. 6 young teachers are supported by the Ministry of Education.

The divisions of Polymer Chemistry and Physics, and Inorganic Chemistry are ranked as the state key disciplines. Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry,Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Physics are identified as the province key disciplines. The Laboratory of Polymeric Composite and Functional Materials and the Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry are assigned as key laboratories by the Ministry of Education. The School was granted to offer doctorate degree and master degree for 5 disciplines in Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, as well as postdoctoral research in the above areas. Besides postdoctoral research in material science and engineering, doctorate degree and master degree programs in material physics and chemistry, chemical biology, master degree program in chemical technology are also provided. The School has set up 5 undergraduate specialties: Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Polymeric Material and Engineering.

The School is responsible for many important projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and many other funding resources.

We have been honored 15 national or provincial awards in the past five years. Among the 2600 research papers, 1300 have been cited by SCI or El. 48 textbooks and monographs have been published, 170 invention patents have been authored. Presently, we have about 1700 undergraduates, 490 graduates. Six doctoral dissertations have been nominated and two of them are the Top 100 National Outstanding Dissertations since 1999.

The School has been equipped with many advanced research instruments, such as high resolution NMR spectrometer, powder and single crystal X-ray diffractometers, SQUID magnetometer, time-resolved fluorescence spectrometer, high resolution mass spectrometer, and so on. The School's library collection has about 100,000 books and over 1,000 academic journals. There are several buildings (23,000 m2) for teaching and research in the Guangzhou South Campus. There is a chemistry building (7,200 m2) for undergraduate teaching in the Zhuhai Campus. The second phase construction project of chemistry building covers about 11,000 m2. It will be completed and on use in 2010.